Do Genital Warts Get Bigger Before They Go Away?


Do genital warts get bigger before they go away?
Do Genital Warts get bigger before they go away?

Several skin conditions can cause bumps on our skin, just like warts; however, genital warts can be more stubborn and prevalent. These warts are contagious and usually transmitted through sex. You should get it checked if you notice soft pinkish bumps around your genital area because warts can get bigger frequently.

Many people confuse warts with acne or rosacea, but warts don't have any pus or are more fleshy.

Let's discuss more warts to help you understand how it is transmitted and if there's any cure for it or not.

What are Genital Warts?

Genital warts are like normal warts, but the only difference is that these warts primarily incur around your genital area, like the penis and vagina. Genital warts pink and fleshy.

How Do You Get Warts?

You can get genital warts through a sexual encounter with a person infected with the genital wart virus. Warts are infections occurred by a virus called human papillomavirus. HPV is a contagious virus, especially HPV-6 and HPV-11 since these viruses cause genital warts. And genital warts are more transmittable than any other type of warts.

Genital warts can usually show up in four to twelve weeks after encountering the infected person. These warts can also spread through your body and alter the cervix. In severe cases, genital warts can also increase the chances of cervix cancer.

How are Genital Warts Treated

Although genital warts can spread and are highly contagious, they are also treatable. There are several ways in which you can treat warts. For example, one of the treatments for warts is to use ointments over warts to decrease the swelling and cure it. However, this treatment can take up to weeks to cure it completely.

Next, you have a surgical option. Doctors may perform minor surgery to cut the infected wart flesh out of your genital area and then stitch it to let it cure. This treatment is more effective since the surgery will eliminate the HPV from its roots and stop it from spreading.

Moreover, you have other options to treat genital warts like laser surgery, nitrogen and electrocautery. Sometimes, you don't need any treatment since warts can also recover independently.

The Risk for Genital Warts
Pregnant women are more at risk of genital warts. If you plan to be pregnant while infected with HPV, genital warts can spread through you or become bigger. This can disrupt your pregnancy and may cause trouble during labour.

Moreover, as mentioned earlier, warts can change the cervix in females, leading to cervix cancer in rare cases.

Signs and Symptoms of Genital Warts

If you are experiencing the following symptoms, then you are likely infected with HPV:

  • Unpleasant odour. 
  • Pain in the genital area.
  • Itching and burning.  
  • Excessive vaginal discharge.
  • Bleeding caused by warts.
Bottom Line
Warts can increase in size before bursting. So, when the warts are burst, they may recover on their own or re-spread the infection. However, there's a possibility that warts can get bigger before their recovery. Moreover, you can buy Warticon and Aldara Cream sachets online in the UK as a genital wart treatment.


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