How to keep your skin glowing?

How to keep your skin glowing? The most common question ever asked. A clear glowing skin is a dream and most of us do everything possible to achieve it. Almost everyone hates pimples, zits, dark spots and baggy eyes. All of these conditions vary differently on different skin. Dry skin can get flaky and itchy sometimes and needs to be moisturised frequently. Oily skin is prone to acne and greasiness and needs to be undone with the help of medications like differin gel. Some people have normal skin which is the most blessed of all. However, a perfect skin is not neither too oily nor too dry but needs to be taken care of with regular toning and cleansing. So to fall in love with your skin, here’s what you should do: 1. Stick to minimal makeup: Ladies, can you please minimise makeup usage? It is really not necessary to always use a blush, concealer, foundation, mousse or whatever it is. It may add a fine coating to your skin making it glowing skin, but what about you...