Simple steps to control your blood pressure

To Control your Blood Pressure Introduction If you are suffering from high blood pressure, then you might be worried about bringing the numbers down by taking medication. Having a healthy or normal blood pressure also depends on your lifestyle. If you have a healthy lifestyle, then you might reduce the need for medication. When it comes to medicine, you can buy Irbesartan tablet from a nearby store. You can also buy Carvedilol tablets if you want. High blood pressure can quietly cause damage that can affect your health. So you better keep an eye on the numbers and make necessary changes in your lifestyle. Steps to control blood pressure Exercise regularly Regular exercise for 20-30 minutes can lower your blood pressure by 5 to 8 mm Hg. Have a healthy diet Eating healthy food rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lowering the consumption of dairy products and cholesterol can lower the blood pressure by 11mm Hg. Limit alcohol consumption Drinking limited alcohol can...