Prescription Heartburn Tablets-Providing Effective Management for Stomach Acid Problems

It is common to find an individual experiencing occasional heartburns or any other associated medical condition that leads to burning sensations around the lower chest area. For some people, lifestyle changes coupled with self-made home remedies present the most suitable treatment solution. Others also prefer the sure path of conventional medicines that are known to work effectively.

Prescription Heartburn
Ideally, there are many routes to successfully managing incessant heartburns. From antacids and oral suspension medicines to H-2 receptor blockers and proton pump inhibitors among other categorisations there are more than enough options for everyone in need. That said, a doctor can always recommend the perfect product depending on the cause or source of your heartburn. Whether the prescription or non-prescription options finding the ideal fit is no big deal with doctor advice.

Nonetheless, prescription heartburn tablets remain quite popular. Considering their availability, affordability and effectiveness many would instead use them than rush for the alternatives available over the counter. Among the full range of special grouping depending on the active ingredients and workings, proton pump inhibitors lead the list. Manufactured to condition less acid production, the products under the group work to reduce chances of acid reflux occurring.

Here are some of prescription heartburn tablets that you can consider buying:-

·         Pantoprazole
Pantoprazole is one prescription tablet that can productively relieve heartburn. It is designed to inhibit stomach acid production consequently limiting chances that there will be some extra that can escape back into the oesophagus. When used it takes about two and a half hours to show its effect and relief can last up to 24-hours.

·         Lansoprazole
 This comes in the form of capsules that provide quick relief. Lansoprazole eases the agonising effects of heartburn by also reducing acid production in the stomach. It is available in 30mg and 15mg.

·         Omeprazole
If you have recurrent stomach problem caused by acid reflux or otherwise Omeprazole is another prescription heartburn tablet that suppresses the painful effects the easy way. Also known as Prilosec, this product can be taken daily with relief coming within an hour to 72 hours.

The above mentioned medications are strictly available on prescription only. It is unsafe to use it
without a valid prescription.


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