Is that acne or Rosacea on the Skin?


Is that acne or Rosacea on the Skin?
Is that acne or Rosacea on the Skin?

Acne is often confused with other skin conditions, but red bumps with pus do not always mean acne. There may be different conditions similar to acne that you would be experiencing, like Rosacea.

Rosacea is a skin condition that initially looks like acne, and many people tend to ignore it. However, Rosacea requires immediate treatment since it can deteriorate and become permanent.

That’s why you need to know about the differences of Rosacea so that you do not confuse it with acne. In this regard, we are putting together some differences between Rosacea and acne for you to be precautious next time.

Acne vs. Rosacea
While acne is a harmless external skin condition, it can be confused with several others that may be harmful if left untreated, such as Rosacea. Rosacea is a skin condition mostly found in white women aged 40 or under. In rosacea, people experience a red patch around their skin on the face with red bumps with pus.

However, it may look lik    e it’s acne, but it can spread through your face and neck if you become careless with it. Although the exact reason for the rosacea has not been found yet it can be triggered with various causes such as:

  Excessive intake of hot beverages and spicy food.


  Excessive use of alcohol.

   Expired beauty products.

Medicine side-effect

Too much stress.

  Change of environment.

  Too much heat.

Having said that, acne is a common skin condition in adults. Moreover, acne is caused by hormonal changes and clogged pores, and it can be cleared up using various skincare products.

Here are some symptoms of rosacea:

      Redness around cheeks and mouth.

      Red acne-like bumps.

      Burning around the red skin.

      Swollen eyes.

      Swollen nose.

      Chapped lips.

Here are some symptoms of acne:

      Small bumps on your cheeks (Whiteheads or blackheads)

      Internal nodule.

      Slight pain in the red bumps.

      Spots turning into pus.

Unfortunately, there is not any fixed treatment for rosacea. However, it can be controlled from spreading. On the other hand, acne can be treated effectively with various medications. You can find skinoren online or buy differin, rozex gel and cream online in the Uk to treat your acne.


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