How important is cancer awareness?

Cancer Day
How important is cancer awareness?

As per the London-based National Cancer Institute (NCI), cancer can be termed as the second largest cause of death in the UK and the rest of the world. Although the overall statistics decipher largely stable incident rates, improved treatments, and better outcomes through early detection and screening, the pain and agony that the cancer patients cannot be dissented from.
What is more disturbing is the embarrassment that people feel while disclosing that they have cancer. The causes of cancer include biological or internal factors such as genetic defects, gender, age and skin type, environmental exposure like exposure to fine particulate matter and UV radiation, occupational risk factors, and lifestyle-related factors.  Doctors have stated that rather than diagnosing the disease, they would like to go or possible prevention methods. For this awareness is much needed. To spread awareness about this life-threatening disease and raising worldwide agenda about the possible causes, consequences, and symptoms of cancer, every year 4th February is celebrated as World Cancer Day as a uniting initiative led by the Union of International Cancer Control (UICC).

Take a step ahead
If you want to work towards reimagining a world where access to lifesaving cancer treatment is available and millions of preventable cancer deaths are possible, then awareness is the only thing that can help to stop cancer. Cancer day activities aren’t a task of Goliath. Even a small initiative can make a huge difference. You can post a heart-warming message on social media about how you support cancer survivors, give something and make a donation, fundraise for cancer treatment and research, and spread the word with a recorded video message, a blog post or an op-ed. The aim of organizing and participating in Cancer day activities basically ensures a widespread awareness of the disease, thereby, removes the stigma, shame and taboo attacked to it.

Besides these steps, you can also attend or volunteer at any World Cancer day event happening in your locality and thank the healthcare workers who are fighting with oncology-related (cancer-related) disorders regularly. If you can make it possible then you can get creative as well as lighting up a particular landmark in your area with world cancer day colours or translate materials so that cancer awareness information is made as accessible as possible.


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