Everything you need to know about Diabetes Awareness Week

Diabetes Awareness Week
Everything you need to know about Diabetes Awareness Week

The main objective of the Diabetes awareness week is to educate the public by giving a brief information about it. Many are not aware of diabetes medication and get affected by the rumors. People are not actually aware of the effects of it in daily life unless you are suffering from it. This is not just for educating people about diabetes but let them know if they have signs of getting diabetes. After all many people are suffering from it but not at all aware of it that they have diabetes.

What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is one of the serious health condition which do not have a cure. It happens when there is excess glucose present in the blood. The glucose remains in the blood when the produced insulin is not sufficient to convert the glucose into energy. If it remains in the bloodstream without proper treatment, it will be a serious health issue.

Types of Diabetes
There are two types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2. There are some factors that differentiate them apart.

Type 1: It occurs when the pancreas does not produce insulin anymore.

Type 2:
It occurs for both reasons either the pancreases stop producing insulin or body cells are not able to react to the produced insulin.

Symptoms of Diabetes

        Feeling Exhausted.

        Frequent Urination particularly at night times.

        Being thirsty constantly.

        Loss of weight.

        Not having a proper vision.

        Slowing down the pace of healing process 

Diabetes Medication
Sometimes to control the high blood pressure people buy Metformin Tablets Online, it is for type 2 diabetic patients. Metformin 850mg is taken with a proper diet and exercise along with other medication to control the high sugar levels. Whereas, Glucophage tablet is an oral medication that maintains sugar levels. 

These are some points that need to be acknowledged regarding diabetes. This is the whole purpose of the diabetes awareness week.


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