How to Know If You Have Erectile Dysfunction?


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How to Know If You Have Erectile Dysfunction?

If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction, you are not alone. In the UK, more than 50% of men between 40 and 70 years of age experience erectile dysfunction of some type. For treating erectile dysfunction, you first have to ensure that you do have the condition and identify the underlying cause. There are many physical and psychological reasons that can lead to a condition like ED.


Fortunately, you can easily buy erectile dysfunction medicine online these days to treat it immediately and enjoy a healthy and happy sexual life with your partner. Here are a few pointers on how you would know if do have erectile dysfunction.

You Are Having Trouble Getting an Erection
Every man on this planet will face this problem every once in a while but if your situation is consistent - that is you can't get your penis erect every time you want to engage in sexual activity, you might be experiencing erectile dysfunction.

If it’s temporary, you can get erectile dysfunction treatment online in the UK through pills like Viagra and Cialis. It will help you maintain an erection for a long enough period to have a healthy intimate session with your partner.

You Are Having Trouble Maintaining an Erection
Once again, this is an issue that every man will confront at some point in his life and it could be due to a wide range of reasons. However, if you are failing to keep your penile erection every time you are attempting to have sexual intercourse, then you might be suffering from erectile dysfunction condition.

There are multiple ways to treat your ED including taking pills such as buy Viagra online, making lifestyle changes, using a vacuum pump, or going for sex therapy. It depends on the underlying cause that's leading to a lack of sexual appetite.

No or Reduced Sexual Drive
Sometimes erectile dysfunction is a result of your inability to feel sexual desire. If you have zero or reduced sexual drive, it may result in poor blood flow which leads to erectile dysfunction or semi-erection. The lack of sexual desire can be rooted in a variety of reasons.

You may have sexual performance anxiety or you may be suffering from stress. Some medications you are taking might also reduce your sex drive as a side effect.

Final Word
In fewer words, if you are not being able to get an erection or failing to maintain it consistently over a certain period of time, you may be experiencing erectile dysfunction. If the condition persists, we recommend you to consult with your physician.


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