Diagnosis and Treatment of Haemorrhoids


Picture of Diagnosis and Treatment of Haemorrhoids
Diagnosis and Treatment of Haemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids are swollen veins in your lower rectum and anus which are same as varicose veins. Haemorrhoids are also known as piles and can develop under the skin around the anus and inside rectum. Nearly 3 out of 4 adults face this disease in a few months in the UK.

have a number of causes but often the actual cause remains unknown. Fortunately, there are several options to treat this condition and many individuals have been cured from this problem with a few lifestyle changes and home treatments.

Haemorrhoids Causes

Individuals suffering from piles feel that their veins stretch due to pressure underneath, resulting in swelling. Haemorrhoids develop due to increased pressure in the lower rectum because of the following reasons:

·        Being obese

·        Being pregnant

·        Having chronic diarrhoea or constipation issues

·        Sitting for long time on the toilet

·        Straining during bowel movements

·        Having anal intercourse

·        Regular heavy lifting

·        Eating a low-fibre diet 

Diagnosis of Haemorrhoids
Doctors can easily diagnose external haemorrhoids – under the skin, around the anus – as they are clearly visible. However, they may include examination of the anal canal and rectum to identify internal haemorrhoids. Here are few examination procedures for the internal haemorrhoids diagnosis.

·        Visual Inspection: Due to soft nature of internal haemorrhoids, they can hardly be felt during the rectal exam. Therefore, doctors may examine the lower portion of colon and rectum using proctoscope, anoscope, or sigmoidoscope.

·        Digital Examination: Doctors use gloves for insertion and a lubricated finger in your rectum. They then feel and diagnose it accordingly.

Treatment of Haemorrhoids

Individuals can relieve mild swelling, pain and inflammation of haemorrhoids with home treatments listed below.

·        Take warm bath regularly: Soak your anal area in plain warm water for at least 10 to 15 minutes at least two to three times a day.

·        Eat high-fire food items: Consume more fruits, vegetables and whole grain items. They are rich in fibre and will soften the stool, increase its bulk and avoid further deterioration of the condition.

·        Use topical treatments: Ensure applying suppository containing hydrocortisone, over-the-counter cream for haemorrhoid, or use pads which contain a numbing agent of a witch hazel.

Haemorrhoids Medications | Buy Scheriproct Online & Buy Proctosedyl Online
You must seek professional medical advice if haemorrhoids produce severe discomfort. They may suggest you to buy Scheriproct Online or Proctosedyl which are suitable ointments including ingredients which can temporarily or completely (depending on the severity) relieve the pain and itching. Make sure that you follow the direction instructions as stated by your doctor or mentioned on the tube to avoid mishaps.


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