
Showing posts from January, 2021

What are allergies? And how are they treated?

  What are allergies? And how are they treated? Now, what are allergies? Allergies are a special susceptibility of some people that causes them to respond in an exaggerated way to exposure to one or more external elements or allergens. Allergies affect 20-25% of the population. The skin and respiratory tract are the areas of the body most exposed to contact with allergens, so they are the organs that most frequently suffer from allergic reactions, generally characterized by a process of inflammation. In the skin it generates dermatitis; in the eyes, conjunctivitis; on the nasal mucosa, rhinitis; and when it affects the bronchi, asthma. If the allergen is ingested (food or medicine), then it can also affect the digestive system causing diarrhoea and abdominal pain. In the case of reactions to food, medicine or insect bites, the manifestations can appear simultaneously involving different organs (skin and mucosa, respiratory tract, digestive tract, etc.) and forming a picture with ge...

The best and worst foods for haemorrhoids

The best and worst foods for haemorrhoids   In the appearance of haemorrhoids factors such as lifestyle and diet stand out. Thus, what to eat or what foods to avoid are decisive when it comes to preventing hemorrhoidal discomfort. An active life and foods that help maintain a healthy bowel movement must be part of a diet for haemorrhoids. In addition, you have to know what you can not eat when you have haemorrhoids to avoid their worsening. In this article we will explain it to you in detail, so you can prevent haemorrhoids, colloquially known as piles, with some changes in your routine. Before reading the list below, know you that can buy haemorrhoid medication , such as Proctosedyl Ointment and Xyloproct Online in the UK from an online pharmacy. What to eat if I have haemorrhoids? When it comes to establishing a diet for haemorrhoids, the first thing you should know is that fibre and water cannot be lacking. To achieve this much-needed contribution, it is recommended to introdu...

Period Delay: Can it Cause Problems with Your Sex Life?

  Period Delay: Can it Cause Problems with Your Sex Life? The pregnancy test came back negative, but you haven't had your period yet. What happens? There are many reasons why you may not have one of your periods or even stop having them. If you have trouble with irregular periods, you can purchase Norethisterone Tablets and Period Delay tablets online in the UK. If you cannot rule out pregnancy after a negative test result, you may have a late or missed period due to: â—Ź    Stress: This can be one of the main reasons for a late or missed period. Take time to relax, get regular exercise, or even do some stress-management breathing exercises. â—Ź    Sudden weight loss: This can cause periods to stop, as severe calorie restriction or eating disorders can stop the production of hormones necessary for ovulation. â—Ź    Excess exercise: Excess exercise and vigorous physical activity can cause hormonal imbalances. â—Ź   Hyperthyroidism: Thyroid dis...

How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction? Is Cialis as effective as Viagra?

  Is Cialis as effective as Viagra? Viagra or Cialis tablets for Erectile Dysfunction? The main advantage of Cialis over Viagra is the duration. Viagra works for 4 hours, and therefore should always be taken before sex. Cialis is active for 36 hours. The new version of Cialis, Cialis Once a Day, is taken daily. This allows the user to have a spontaneous sexual experience at any time. Cialis works faster than Viagra: If you’ve wondered how effective Cialis tablets are, it’s simple, Cialis works faster than Viagra. A quarter of an hour after taking the pill, a person with erection problems can be sexually active. The effect of Cialis lasts longer than Viagra. A person with erectile dysfunction could have an active sex life for one day, an average of 36 hours after ingestion. It gives the patient a unique advantage over Viagra. You will be able to enjoy a renewed and improved sex life in a shorter period of time. How Viagra and Cialis work? When a man is sexually aroused, certain tis...

Myths vs Reality about Diabetes

  Myths vs Reality about Diabetes It is important that you educate yourself about diabetes so that you can help your child manage it. This means arming yourself with all the right information. Although the Internet is full of content about diabetes, it does not always contain adequate information. When information is misinterpreted, inaccurate, or confusing, it can be harmful to people with diabetes. Even the most well-meaning friends and relatives can give incorrect information. Talk to members of your child's diabetes healthcare team when you come across information that doesn't seem right, sounds too good to be true, or contradicts what they have explained to you. Do not make any changes to your child's diabetes management plan without the approval of a member of your diabetes team. Myth: Eating too much sugar causes diabetes. Fact: Type 1 diabetes is caused by the destruction of the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, which is not related to the consumption of suga...

Keeping your bones healthy during Menopause

  Keeping your bones healthy during Menopause Over the course of life, the body maintains a balance between the loss of bone mass (bone) and the creation of new bone mass. Bone mass reaches its peak (in size and density) at the age of approximately 30 years. Then, between the ages of 30 and 35, the body begins to lose bone mass more rapidly than it can build it. Menopause - the suspension of menstruation, usually around the age of 50 - considerably accelerates the loss of bone mass. After menopause, the ovaries stop making estrogen, a hormone that helps keep bones strong. Even during perimenopause (the two to an eight-year period before menopause), when menstruation becomes irregular, the level of estrogen can begin to drop and cause a rapid loss of bone mass. Over time, this excessive bone loss can initially cause osteopenia (loss of bone mass) or even osteoporosis, a disorder in which the bones become weak and the chances of fracture increase. How can the loss of bone mass be re...

How to diet when taking Orlistat?

  How to diet when taking Orlistat? In cases where obesity is more than obvious, there are some known drugs to control the excess calories that are absorbed. One of these drugs is Orlistat, a substance discovered from a fungus and which is capable of preventing the acquisition of up to 30% of ingested fats. However, like all drugs that affect our physiology, Orlistat has its considerations and consequences. Although it does not have to be dangerous, except in certain specific situations, it is still a drug and should not be used lightly with the sole intention of losing weight, without any other consideration. The commercial version of tetrahydrolipstatin, an enzyme derived from a fungus called Streptomyces toxytricini, is known by this name. This enzyme is lipostatin, a substance capable of inhibiting the action of lipase from the liver. This organ produces this enzyme to process fats in the diet. The only way to absorb them is by "breaking them down" so that the intestine c...

Everything you need to know about the Cystitis

  Everything you need to know about the Cystitis A wet swimsuit, inadequate hygiene or sexual intercourse are some of the things that can cause cystitis. It is a phenomenon that is generally produced by bacteria, although it can be a manifestation of another process that is not only infectious. It can also be produced by a virus or by some other internal situation in the urinary system or in the pelvis, negatively affecting women’s health. Its most common symptoms or manifestation are a feeling of discomfort or burning when urinating, an increase in urination, pain in the lower part of the pelvis or in the area of ​​the urethra, sometimes blood in the urine or abnormal colour and low back pain if the infection reaches the kidney. This urinary problem is more common in women: Three out of ten women have had at least one episode of cystitis in the past year, according to the Cystitis Information Center. The reason is that they have a shorter urethra that allows bacteria that live in...

Does Viagra give you best result in Sexual Stimulation?

Does Viagra give you best result in Sexual Stimulation?  As is well known, Viagra, whose scientific name is Sildenafil, is used to treat erectile dysfunction, which is when a man has difficulty achieving an erection or maintaining it long enough to have sexual intercourse. When it comes to viagra for erectile dysfunction, which suffered by millions of men around the world, occurs when there is insufficient blood flow to the penis and can be caused by a medical condition such as heart disease, high cholesterol, depression or obesity; the consumption of certain medications or an injury to the area. Sildenafil relaxes the muscles of the blood vessels and increases the flow of blood to particular regions of the body. Sildenafil under the name Viagra is used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men . Another brand of sildenafil is Revatio, which is used in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension and improves exercise capacity in men and women. Do not take Via...

Can shiftwork cause Erectile Dysfunction?

  Can shiftwork cause erectile dysfunction? Over the last few years, evidence has accumulated on the effects of different forms of fatigue related to the job. People subjected to shift changes or with unpredictable working hours have been a population group among which these forms of fatigue have had a special incidence. It is estimated that of the 147 million workers in Europe, 28 per cent consider themselves stressed by their employment, causing damages estimated at approximately 20,000 million euros a year. The new study carried out in the United Kingdom is the first to highlight the negative consequences of variations in working hours, while at the same time showing some of the means to combat them. Research results suggest that a compound of vitamins, minerals and ginseng extract G115 reduces fatigue levels and improves cognitive functions, especially the ability to store and retrieve information in long-term memory. All this contributes to a lower incidence of the negative ef...

Can Migraines be Caused by Stress?

Can Migraines be Caused by Stress? It is well known that stress and anxiety can greatly affect our physical and mental health these days. A stress headache is a very common ailment, capable of preventing even the simplest activities we do during the day. How to recognize stress migraine? Knowing how to recognize the 'stress and anxiety headache is quite simple: it is a constant pain, better known as a muscle tension headache. It occurs after particularly strenuous or stressful periods and can be treated with common pain relievers, available at pharmacies without a prescription. However, before taking these medications, it is always recommended to consult your doctor. Tension headache is one of the most common types of migraine, it can be episodic or chronic: the first is usually due to efforts or posture errors, the second depends on functional changes in the central nervous system that, sometimes, can be due to stress intense psychosocial, anxiety or depressive disorders. Symptoms...

Adult Acne: How to get rid of Acne in your 30s?

  Adult Acne: How to get rid of Acne in your 30s? Acne is not just for teenagers. Although it is more common in this stage due to hormonal changes that increase sebaceous secretion, there are many women (and also some men) who suffer acne in their 30s or past that age. We have consulted with several dermatologists who have told us about the causes of adult acne and how we can treat it to get perfect skin again. Acne is a common skin disease among teenagers, which can also occur in adulthood. In fact, you may never have had pimples or blackheads, and you may have acne in your 30s. Although acne is commonly associated with adolescence and puberty, adults can get it too. Unlike juvenile acne, which is characterized by the appearance of numerous small pimples, in adults, few pimples appear but they can cause deep holes and scars in the skin. Causes of acne in adults: In most cases, acne in adults occurs because the oil generated by the sebaceous glands (sebum) clogs the pores of the sk...

Why do I have to use my Inhaler Every Day?

  Why do I have to use my Inhaler Every Day? Using your inhaler every day is important as asthma is the most common chronic disease in childhood, and the use of an asthma inhaler is often the first step toward medical autonomy for a child with asthma. But the value of technology depends on how it is used, and both children and adults need to use their inhalers correctly in order to benefit. How an asthma inhaler works? Asthma is a disease that causes the airways to become inflamed or narrow. When an asthma attack occurs, the muscles around the airways tighten and their lining becomes inflamed, reducing the amount of air that can pass through the airways. In people with sensitive airways, asthma symptoms can be triggered by inhaling substances ranging from reaction to dust to cold air. Inhalers are used to deliver two different types of routine asthma medications, and the idea is for the medications to go directly into the airways, where they work. Once or twice a day, children can ...

What is Glaucoma?

  What is Glaucome and How you Should Worry? Glaucoma is an eye disease that steals your vision gradually. It usually has no symptoms and can result in sudden vision loss. Without proper treatment, glaucoma can lead to blindness. The good news is that regular eye exams, early detection, and treatment can preserve sight. In order to understand glaucoma, we must first understand how the eye works. In front of the eye is the cornea, which is the transparent part of the protective covering of the organ and that allows light to enter. The iris is the coloured part of your eye that contracts and expands to allow the pupil to let in the right amount of light, directing it towards the lens, which in turn focuses light on the retina (the inner lining of the eye). Nerve fibres in the retina carry light and images to the brain through the optic nerve. The front part of the eye is filled with a clear fluid called intraocular fluid or aqueous humour that is manufactured by the ciliary body. Thi...