What are allergies? And how are they treated?

What are allergies? And how are they treated? Now, what are allergies? Allergies are a special susceptibility of some people that causes them to respond in an exaggerated way to exposure to one or more external elements or allergens. Allergies affect 20-25% of the population. The skin and respiratory tract are the areas of the body most exposed to contact with allergens, so they are the organs that most frequently suffer from allergic reactions, generally characterized by a process of inflammation. In the skin it generates dermatitis; in the eyes, conjunctivitis; on the nasal mucosa, rhinitis; and when it affects the bronchi, asthma. If the allergen is ingested (food or medicine), then it can also affect the digestive system causing diarrhoea and abdominal pain. In the case of reactions to food, medicine or insect bites, the manifestations can appear simultaneously involving different organs (skin and mucosa, respiratory tract, digestive tract, etc.) and forming a picture with ge...