Can shiftwork cause Erectile Dysfunction?


Picture of Men Facing Problem of Erectile Dysfunction
Can shiftwork cause erectile dysfunction?

Over the last few years, evidence has accumulated on the effects of different forms of fatigue related to the job. People subjected to shift changes or with unpredictable working hours have been a population group among which these forms of fatigue have had a special incidence.

It is estimated that of the 147 million workers in Europe, 28 per cent consider themselves stressed by their employment, causing damages estimated at approximately 20,000 million euros a year. The new study carried out in the United Kingdom is the first to highlight the negative consequences of variations in working hours, while at the same time showing some of the means to combat them.

Research results suggest that a compound of vitamins, minerals and ginseng extract G115 reduces fatigue levels and improves cognitive functions, especially the ability to store and retrieve information in long-term memory. All this contributes to a lower incidence of the negative effects on the mood that stress can lead to, such as irritability and restlessness.

Specifically, specialists point to stress and anxiety among the causes of erectile dysfunction. In effect where ED causes issues, for example, relationship problems. It is estimated that between 20 and 40 per cent of these cases have a psychological origin, so that again a non-physical element affects the human organism and the quality of life of the person. Thus, stress, whether at work, family or of any other nature, lowers testosterone levels, which can lead to a problem of erectile dysfunction. In these cases, it is a priority that those affected balance their time dedicated to working life with leisure. In addition, treatments are capable of improving male erectile function in almost 80 per cent of cases, so you do not have to deal with this problem by unnecessarily delaying your visit to the doctor.

Stress is related to health, and if it is negative and long-lasting, it is more likely to affect it. But stress isn't always as bad, and it's even exhilarating at times. More exactly there is a distinction between positive stress and negative stress. Both represent an overload for the individual, but the first occurs when the individual interprets that the consequences of the stressful situation will be favourable, while the second implies the opposite. In both cases, it produces fatigue, anxiety and psychophysiological disorders, among other effects, but if it is negative and persistent stress over time, it increases the possibility of developing these problems and others related to health, such as infectious processes and the aforementioned psychophysiological disorders.



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