Migraine or meningitis: What are the differences?


Migraine or meningitis: What are the differences?
Migraine or meningitis: What are the differences?

When you experience sudden and consistent pain or stroke in your head, there can be several reasons for its occurrence.

In some cases, the pain and discomfort remain the same for a more extended period. It can be a virus stimulating inflammation such as meningitis or a general throbbing with migraine. Either way, you may need to visit a doctor and get a prescription for Rizatriptan, Zalmitriptan, Sumatriptan tablets to treat the pain.

However, people may confuse distinguishing between meningitis and migraine since the symptoms are mostly the same. That’s why we will put together the symptoms of each problem to help you identify the difference.

So, let’s begin, shall we?

Migraine vs. Meningitis

Migraine and Meningitis pain and symptoms may feel alike, but the reasons for their cause are different, for example:

Migraine is a type of headache that begins with a minor pain on the left or right side of your head, leading to severe pain on the back of your head. The exact reason for migraine causes is not identified yet. However, it can be a result of excessive stress inherited from genes.

On the other hand, Meningitis is an infection mainly caused by the virus and bacteria inserted in the brain and spinal cord membrane. Meningitis can be severe and lead to spinal disorder, brain haemorrhage, or fatality. Moreover, meningitis can be contagious and spread bacterial or fungal infections in babies and adults.


Meningitis and migraine pain is confused since they have the same symptoms. However, some different symptoms are listed below.




  Irritation from light and loud noises.


  Lack of appetite

  Pain on one side of the brain.

  Pain in the eyes


  Headache with inflamed veins in the brain.

   Fever 100 F or above

   Inability to focus


   Neck stiffness



   Nausea and vomiting

In the case of Meningitis, the treatment starts with controlling the fever with antibiotics. Whereas in Migraine patients are prescribed medication such as Rizatriptan, Zolmitriptan, Sumatriptan to affect 5-HT receptors. However, these medications can also heal the headache in meningitis. In the case of Meningitis, the treatment starts with controlling the fever with antibiotics.


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