Is Lansoprazole, Esomeprazole or Omeprazole the best?


Is Lansoprazole, Esomeprazole or Omeprazole the best?
Is Lansoprazole, Esomeprazole or Omeprazole the best?

Stomach acids often cause gastric diseases like GERD, leading to acute stomach problems like ulcers if left untreated. Stomach diseases have mainly occurred when the sphincter, a gateway for food to enter the stomach, is not closed. This triggers the acids to come out of the stomach and reflux in the body, creating toxicity with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

However, there are several medications to cure stomach acid diseases, such as Lansoprazole, Esomeprazole, and Omeprazole, but which one is the best?

Let’s dig in to find out!


Lansoprazole is a medication to treat (GERD) gastroesophageal reflux diseases, and other stomach acid problems. The pill is prescribed to patients suffering from severe heartburns and stomach acidity, leading to chronic conditions like stomach ulcers. The medication works by decreasing stomach acid levels by taking 15mg capsules initially. However, if the situation continues to be the same after 2-3 days, the dose may increase to 30mg.


Esomeprazole is considered the best treatment to treat GERD and other stomach-related diseases effectively. The medication works by preventing the stomach acids from refluxing in the oesophagus. The stomach acids usually reflux because the gate of the stomach is not closed after being damaged or infected, which stops the food particles and stomach gases from remaining in the stomach.

Thus this results in the spread of toxic stomach gases throughout the body and oesophagus, which causes heartburn, gastric problems, infection in the gall duct or large intestine. However, Esomeprazole effectively treats this kind of disease with 20 mg of pills to be taken as directed by your doctor.


Omeprazole is another treatment for GERD. The pill is a PP inhibitor that prevents the stomach from spreading toxic acids into the body. Omeprazole is prescribed to patients experiencing severe stomach acidic conditions, leading to acute conditions like stomach ulcers.

The medication works by treating esophagitis and sphincter with a 20mg dose to be taken as prescribed by your physician. In addition, Omeprazole can also be taken with other antibiotics to treat H.pylori disease.


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