6 Easy Ways to Prevent Hemorrhoids


6 Easy Ways to Prevent Hemorrhoids
6 Easy Ways to Prevent Hemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids is a common discomforting disease that affects your anal area. Haemorrhoids are also known as piles, and it's an infection that causes inflammation in your inner or outer rectum.

This condition is caused due to several reasons like lack of fibre, dehydration, constipation and more.

Luckily, in this article, we will share some tips regarding haemorrhoids prevention to help you prevent it from recurring.

So, let's begin!

Fill Up on Fiber

You can get hemorrhoids due to irregular and disrupted bowel movements that can be triggered when you have a lack of fibre in your body. And one of the effective ways to restore your bowel movements is to add more fibre to your diet. You can either take it through supplements or natural foods like fruits and vegetables, especially greens, as a source of fibre.

Once you have more regular bowel movements, your inner rectum will not swell up due to stool pressure.

However, too much fibre can increase the chances of developing gas in your intestine. So, you should limit the consumption and fortify it with other nutrients to make it more effective.

Drink Enough Water

Drinking enough water helps immensely well to decrease the chances of getting hemorrhoids. Water can smooth out the digestion in your body and washes the hemorrhoids, infection-causing bacteria, out of your body.

Also, water can soothe the rectum veins in your lower intestine to eliminate the strains in the bowel that cause inflammation. In this case, you should drink at least four to six glasses of water each day to prevent hemorrhoids.

Get Plenty of Exercises

Exercise is the best strategy to overcome any health issue since it keeps your body active and signals all the organs to work as they should be. Regular squats and yoga can help your bowel movement.

Similarly, exercise helps in better digestion to prevent constipation. Constipation is a major cause of haemorrhoids since it jams up the stool in your lower intestine that can inflame the rectum inside your anus and develop painful lumps.

Comes to Laxatives

Laxatives are prescribed to cure constipation. However, too much laxative can show a diverse effect and cause diarrhoea when you have conditions like an upset stomach. It can cause burning and swelling in your outer rectum. And this eventually leads to hemorrhoids. So, whenever you take laxatives, make sure they are osmotic laxatives that increase the gut fluid.

Don't Fight the Urge

When you feel like you need to pass the stool, go to the bathroom right at that moment. That's because constipation often occurs when you hold yourself to pass stool when you need to. And this can jam up the particles causing infection around your anus.

Avoid Straining

We know how difficult it is to live with constipation. However, in any case, you should not put too much pressure into pushing while trying to pass stool that you end up straining your intestine. This can increase swelling in your anus.

Key Takeaway

Hemorrhoids can be difficult to handle since they can cause severe discomfort when you try to pass the stool. In this condition, you can get Proctosedyl Ointment and Xyloproct online in the UK from Pharmacy Planet.


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