5 Tips to Reduce The Feelings of Jet Lag
5 Tips to Reduce The Feelings of Jet Lag
Travelling to another continent or country is
fun until you deal with jet lag. Your excitement to enjoy the vacation and
explore just downgrades when your spirit is active to have fun, but it's time
for others to hit the sack and vice versa.
So, what can you do about it? The answer is
here. In this article, we will share five effective tips to deal with the
feelings of jet lag effectively.
below to find out!
Taking Melatonin Supplements
You can overcome jet lag using supplements.
These supplements are taken in a tablet and include a hormone called melatonin.
Melatonin helps fix your sleep cycle when you have travelled from a different
part of the world.
When you consume melatonin in your body, it
will maintain your sleep pattern according to the time zone of your destination
country and will also reduce jet lag effects.
Adjusting Your Patterns Before Your Trip
Before you start the journey to travel
overseas, you should gradually adjust your patterns, including eating and
sleeping. And to do that, you should start changing your routine according to
the time zone of the destination country.
When you practice these small adjustments in
your routine, you will slowly condition yourself to settle with the timings of
your destination country.
Try To Sleep During Your Flight
We know it's hard to doze off while
travelling, no matter how tired you are. That's because our nerves are
constantly active to move from here to there doing something important.
However, if you get a chance to sleep even for
a bit, you should avoid it and try to sleep for a few hours. This will help you
relax and reboot so that you can function well after arriving at your
destination. Also, you will feel tired by the time others sleep. So, make the
most of your time on the plane to sleep.
Say No to Inflight Coffee
We understand that you are tired but don't
order coffee on the plane. That's because, as we mentioned earlier that you
should try to sleep on the plane. And the coffee will cause a diverse effect
and shoo off the sleep, which you need to adjust your sleep cycle in your
destination country.
Limit Naps in the Days
As you arrive in your destination country, the
next thing you should keep in mind is limiting or avoiding napping in the
daytime. If you nap during the day, you will likely disrupt your sleep pattern
even more, and you will count sheep when you need to sleep.
So, avoid daytime naps. If you are very tired,
then nap for a maximum of 40 mins.
Final Word
Dealing with jet lag can be hard sometimes and
even annoying. That's why you need to practice the tips mentioned above.
Moreover, you can buy jet lag medication Melatonin (Circadin) 2mg Tablets
online from Pharmacy Planet.
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