An Overview of Wound Dressings


An Overview of Wound Dressings
An Overview of Wound Dressings

Wounds can be hard to recover depending on their types and condition. If it is serious, you need immediate wound dressing to help prevent contamination. However, many people are unaware that even small cuts or injuries can gradually become severe if they are not dressed on time.

And that's why those types of wounds become infections that are hard to cure. Although there are various wound dressings for different injuries, their purpose is to protect and heal the wound.

So, in this article, we will be giving a quick overview of the wound dressing to help you understand its importance.

Pre-Treating the Wound

Pre-treating the wound refers to when the doctors evaluate how and when you got wounded. This check-up is done to gauge the severity of your condition. And then, through the steps mentioned below, they start the procedure of dressing it.

Stem the Blood Flow
Initially, when you experience the injury, the first thing to do is stem the blood flow to save the tissues from damage. To begin with, doctors often use a tube called a catheter to pass the healthy blood flow back to your veins to compensate for the blood lost in the injury. And the hemostasis keeps the oxygen circulating in your blood vessels to regenerate the blood cells.

Recover the Infection
When the wound is left untreated for too long, or you have not changed the wound dressing for too long, there are chances of getting it infected with fungus. And this is where it becomes a canker. Doctors often prescribe antibiotics and anti-fungal for this kind of condition. And if that does not work, they can perform surgery to debris the part of the damaged tissue to stop the infection from spreading.

Repair and Close the Wound
The next step is to close the wound with stitches or surgical staples. In this stage, the patients are advised to be extra careful and keep the damage clean with iodine. If the stitches start to release fluid with a yellowish or green colour, it can, even more, infect the wound.

Wound Dressing
This stage includes recovery and re-evaluation. If the wound is severe, doctors need to re-check it for any other infection. Moreover, you need to keep changing the dressing every day to clean the wound and protect it from contamination.

Types of Wounds And Treatments

You can get injured from anywhere. Wounds do not specifically occur in a certain area of your body. It depends on how you got hurt. That's why different wound dressing techniques are used for various wounds. However, here are the most common types of injury with their treatment:

  • Open wounds (Stitches or staples) 
  • Skin ulcers (Debridement) 
  • Sores (patches) 
  • Deep wounds (Skin graft)
Key Takeaway
Wound dressing is essential to help you protect your skin and body. It can be a hefty road to recovery if your wound gets infected with bacteria.

However, various wound dressings are available at Pharmacy Planet like ACTICOAT, allevyn adhesive, and allevyn ag gentle border online in the UK. And you can get them easily for wound dressing.


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