Helpful Tips to Manage Haemorrhoids Effectively

Tips to Manage Haemorrhoids Effectively 
Haemorrhoids are among the most common health condition that adults face, causing them pain and discomfort.

Even though haemorrhoids go away on their own sometimes, if left untreated, it can result to discomfort in one’s life. Luckily, there are several helpful tips to manage them effectively.

These haemorrhoid treatment options include tips to treat them at home or with over-the-counter medications. The haemorrhoids management tips aim to ease the symptoms until they clear up on their own.
  • Home remedies
Many haemorrhoid home treatment options involve easing the symptoms until they clear up. The most popular home remedy is warm baths which should contain a mixture of Epsom salts or apple cider vinegar.

After adding the ingredients in your bathtub, you can consider sitting in the warm water to ease the swelling. Apple cider vinegar is believed to reduce irritation caused by haemorrhoids but it may sting the affected area.
  • Eat high-fibre foods
High-fibre foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains soften the stool and decrease straining as you relieve yourself.
  • Use topical treatments
There are several topical treatments which can be found over-the-counter. Most topical treatments involve the use of haemorrhoid cream or a numbing agent. You can buy Scheriproct online which is available as an ointment/ cream.
  • Take oral pain relievers
Oral pain relievers can significantly reduce the discomfort if taken appropriately. The most common ones include acetaminophen, aspirin or ibuprofen.
  • Medications
Your doctor might suggest over-the-counter creams or ointments that contain ingredients such as witch hazel and lidocaine, which can relieve itching. Some ointments can be rubbed on the infected area to soothe pain or itch. You can buy Proctosedyl online which is a rectal suppository that aims to reduce painful condition.
  • Good toilet habits
Once you are pressed, don’t hold on it. Don’t hold the stool because it can strain and lead to more pressure. Additionally, be gentle when wiping yourself. If the toilet paper is dry and irritating, try to moisturise it or use cotton balls.

You can also try to elevate your feet as you sit on the toilet. Positioning the rectum in different positions may allow for easier passage of stools.


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