What Happens During a Migraine?


Picture of Migraine Triggers Effects
What Happens During a Migraine?

Despite migraine being a prevalent neurological condition that affects many of us, researchers and experts still struggle to pinpoint what exactly causes a migraine attack. However, we have a lot of information at our disposal on what migraine does to the body.

Today, we will cover all the phases that the human body goes through during a migraine attack and share a few tips to mitigate your attack’s severity.

Migraine - Common Triggers

Although we don’t know what exactly causes a person to get migraines, some elements are more likely to result in an attack. These include but are not limited to, the following:


       Biological and environmental conditions


       Changes in sleep pattern

       Weather changes

       Dietary changes

1st Stage - The Onset
A migraine starts when a trigger causes neurons in the brain to fire abnormally. As mentioned above, possible triggers are many! Anything from lack of sleep to a specific diet change can act as a trigger and cause a reaction in your neurons.

2nd Stage - Hypersensitivity
The abnormal reaction from the neurons causes some areas of the brain to experience hyperexcitability, which then affects the senses. Symptoms of this vary from person to person, but the usual ones include sensitivity to light and sound and some difficulty with motor skills and speech. In some extreme cases, the person can experience some visual disturbances as well. These symptoms are indicators for you to consult your doctor as soon as possible and check if you require migraine medicine.

3rd Stage - Attack
The actual head pain you experience during a migraine results from the drop in the body’s neurotransmitter serotonin levels. A decrease in serotonin levels then causes the blood vessels around the brain to dilate. This expansion is what essentially leads to the throbbing that is concentrated on one side of your head.

4th Stage - The Aftermath
The usual duration of a migraine attack is anywhere between 4 to 72 hours. However, even if the attack itself is over, it is not rare for the body to experience some lingering effects. These would include strained concentration and weakness.

Migraine Treatment
The important thing is to address a migraine as soon as you feel it coming on. Adequate stress management and regular exercise are useful in handling better during and after an attack. In addition, some over-counter-medication also helps you tackle a migraine attack. Check out Zolmitriptan tablets online UK and Sumatriptan tablets online UK to promptly access migraine treatment online.


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