How Hormones Play a Vital Role in Menopause?

How Hormones Play a Vital Role in Menopause? Menopause is a stage in life that a female reaches in her early to mid-fifties. In case of any previous injuries or surgeries, menopause may happen sooner too. In this stage of her life, women cease to have periods, after which a woman may not become pregnant naturally. As is with all stages of a woman’s physical life, this too is a complex period in her life where her body changes yet again and she needs the support and understanding of those around her. Patches such as estradot and evorel patches, and medicines such as Femoston can help deal with menopause. Some common symptoms usually appear in the stage of menopause: Discomfort during the sex period and itching in vaginal part and also dryness of vagina. Bones of women become weak because of it. Osteoporosis and fractures occurred because of the frail bones. Difficulty in sleeping is also a symptom of menopause. Lack of sex drive or sex de...