How to deal with Menorrhagia?


How to deal with menorrhagia?
How to deal with Menorrhagia?

Extremely heavy flow during the menstrual cycle is called menorrhagia. It is defined as the blood loss during the menstrual cycle when there is more than 80ml. In extreme cases, doctors may prescribe surgical treatment; otherwise it can be managed with the help of medicines.

Menorrhagia treatment:

Treatment can be directed at it by identifying an underlying cause. There are various treatments available for heavy periods.


1. Intrauterine system
It is a small plastic device that is inserted into your womb by doctors or nurses to release the progesterone hormone from your body. It is a contraceptive that helps prevent the lining of your womb from growing quickly.


2. Tranexamic acids
These pills help to make a blood clot in your womb. The tablets are not contraceptive pills, so it will not affect your chance of becoming pregnant. 


3. Anti-inflammatory drugs
Anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen, norethisterone, period delay tablets, and mefenamic acid are effective in working out blood deficiency.

You can find these norethisterone tablets online or offline from any UK pharmacy. In the search bar of your browser Norethisterone tablets online and you will find it.

Norethisterone tablets also can be used to delay your periods for up to 17 days. 

Period delay treatment: 

Here are many tablets are available for period delays, such as Norethisterone, Utovlan, and Provera.

These medicines should be taken three days before the onset of periods, and then it can be taken for a maximum of 20 days. You will stop taking Norethisterone after two to three days of your periods. So, if you are looking to buy these tablets then you can buy it from a reputed pharmacy like Pharmacy Planet


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