Does premature ejaculation cause erectile dysfunction?


Picture of Men Facing problem with  Erectile Dysfunction
Does premature ejaculation cause erectile dysfunction?

The causes of male sexual problems and dysfunctions

When a patient comes into consultation and asks for help to solve a problem of sexual dysfunction, the first thing that usually happens is that I find myself in front of a person full of shame and, why not say it, guilt.

I always get the following question: "How is it possible that a person can feel shame or guilt for having such a normal and natural part of their life affected as sex?" The first answer that comes to my mind is the traditional taboo around this topic, however, as we will see in this article, not everything can be explained by this.

Male sexual dysfunctions can have many different causes, some may be related to trauma experienced in a person's sexuality, such as abuse, but not all patients who come to the consultation have a traumatic history behind them. To treat this, you can buy Cialis tablets or you can buy Tadalafil tablets for Erectile Dysfunction treatment online in the UK.

What other causes can we find in male sexual dysfunctions?
The first is perhaps the simplest and is summarized in anxiety and the anxious circle. When a person experiences erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation for the first time, it can be caused by being sleepy, being stressed by work or having an argument with their partner. Problems, rush, stress or fatigue are factors that generate anxiety, and if there is anxiety, there can be no sex. But why does this happen? The answer is in human evolution. When the brain detects stress, it does not know whether it is internal or external, but what it does understand is that there is a danger. If cavemen and women had ignored their anxiety and engaged in sexual intercourse, an animal would most likely have eaten them, which does not seem very suitable for the survival of the individual or the species. Although it seems that this can no longer affect us because we do not live with that level of danger around us, the brain does not evolve as fast as a society, and that is why if there is anxiety the Sympathetic Nervous System is activated (an internal system that mobilizes us) which is the opposite of what we need to maintain an erection.

Erectile dysfunction is a cardiovascular disease derived from an incorrect blood supply to the penis. For this reason, Rafael Prieto, outgoing president of the Spanish Association of Andrology (Asesa) and coordinator of the Andrology, Sexual and Reproductive Medicine unit of the Urology Service of the Reina Sofía Hospital, in Madrid, points out that “all patients with dysfunction erectile are heart disease until proven otherwise ”. In addition, the expert points out that this pathology does not depend on age, although the blood vessels weaken over time.

For its part, premature ejaculation is related to the nervous system. In fact, Ana María Puigvert, andrologist and former president of Asesa, points out that “the brain is the first sexual organ”. This pathology can appear from the beginning of the sexual life of the patient or acquired spontaneously. In addition, it has a traumatizing component, both for men and women, which can lead to possible anxiety disorders and possible disorders, such as alcoholism.


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