Sugar and Spice: Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction as a Diabetic


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Sugar and Spice: Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction as a Diabetic

Diabetes is a disease in which the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood is too high. This is because the body is not able to produce insulin (type 1 diabetes mellitus) or to secrete enough insulin (type 2 diabetes mellitus) to transform hydrates into food.

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to maintain or achieve an erection on a continuous basis. A high level of glucose for several years can damage the tissues and fibres of the penis making it difficult to get an erection. You can find Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Online in the UK by buying Sildenafil or Metformin Trulicity.

What’s the relationship between Diabetes and ED?
Diabetes can damage the nerves, erectile tissue, and small blood vessels in the penis:

  Damage to the erectile tissue will not allow the muscle fibres of the penis to relax properly, so the penis cannot fill during erection.

  Nerve damage can lead to less sensation in the penis and less signalling to it from the brain, making it more difficult to get and maintain an erection.

  Damage to the blood vessels will also prevent the erectile tissue from filling with blood.

An erection problem is a very common disorder among men with diabetes. In fact, 50% of men with diabetes can develop this pathology, increasing this percentage as they age, up to 95% in 70-year-old men with diabetes.

When to go to the doctor?
Erectile dysfunction is a problem that can be caused by various causes such as high blood pressure, kidney disease, abuse of toxic substances and even as a side effect of some medication. Therefore, as soon as you have the problem you should go to the doctor. The doctor can check the origin of the disorder, if there are alterations in the arteries or the nervous system, even if there is undiagnosed diabetes. Sometimes these aspects need special attention on their own.

Fortunately, treatment for erectile dysfunction in diabetes has improved considerably. Often the first step is to recognize the problem, but this is often the biggest obstacle. Once it has been overcome, and with the help and support of the partner and the doctor, treatment can begin.

What treatments are available?
When a male patient has diagnosed diabetes, there are two types of approach to erectile dysfunction: preventive treatment and treatment for the disease itself. As for preventive treatment, controlling blood levels can help prevent damage to nerves and blood vessels or at least delay their onset. One of the main challenges is for the patient to accept their disease and be responsible in complying with the treatment.

If erectile dysfunction has already begun to manifest itself, the most appropriate treatment must be sought for each patient. The vast majority of currently available treatments can be effective in men with diabetes.

Among the most common treatments are:

  Oral medications: This is usually the first line of treatment. There are different options - sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil or avanafil - with different duration of action. These drugs make it easier for blood to flow to the penis.

  Prostaglandin: is a vasodilator that can be injected into the penis or a compressed granule is inserted into the end of the penis.

  Vacuum pump: it is a device with a tube that is placed in the penis and, through the pump that it has, manages to bring blood to the penis and an erection is achieved.

  • Penis Surgery: If none of the above treatments works, the alternative is to place an implant in the penis. These implants can be semi-rigid or inflatable, it is a minimally invasive surgery and with very reliable results.


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