Flex for Sex - Pelvic exercises for erectile dysfunction

Picture of Men Pelvic Exercises for ED
Flex for Sex - Pelvic Exercises for Erectile Dysfunction

Kegel workout routine for men:
Kegel exercises for men are the most effective treatment for urinary incontinence after prostatectomy. But the beneficial effects of these exercises are not limited to men who have had prostate surgery.

Whether you are young or not so young, athletic or sedentary, whether or not you have any symptoms of incontinence or erectile dysfunction ... you will be interested in knowing the effects that training the pelvic floor muscles has in store for you.

When should I do pelvic floor exercises for men?
Kegel exercises for men aim to improve the strength and endurance of the male perineal muscles.  For an effective Erectile Dysfunction treatment available for purchase online in the UK, you can buy Sildenafil and Levitra tablets online in the UK.

Therefore, they are usually recommended to treat the following situations:

  It functions as a chronic Erectile dysfunction treatment

  Urine control problems

  Disorders in defecation (difficulty in emptying and faecal incontinence)

   Rectal prolapse

   Pelvic floor problems after prostate surgery

But you don't need to be in any of the above situations to put your pelvic floor to work. By way of prevention, knowing this musculature and exercising it can have multiple benefits on your quality of life.

Benefits of Kegel exercises for men:-

Through Kegel exercises for men you will:

   Get to know yourself more and better, which will help you get more out of your body

   Increase your physical and emotional well-being

   Improve your erections

   Control ejaculation

   Prevent prostatitis

Best pelvic exercises for men and how to do them correctly.

If you perform Kegel exercises correctly, you should feel how the entire area that corresponds to the urinary tract, that is, your urethra, as well as the anal area and its sphincter, experience a kind of closure and elevation, as if you wanted to bring them towards inside your body.

Make sure that these voluntary contractions of the pelvic floor do not imply a contraction of the glutes or the adductors: you have to be able to work the perineal muscles without “helping” those other nearby muscle groups.

Knowing and feeling your perineal muscles, and correctly performing the voluntary contraction technique of your pelvic floor is essential to make the training program that I propose below work.

Men's Kegel Exercise Training Program:
Unless you work as a physical trainer or something similar, I bet you would not think of joining the gym and start training on your own without first receiving some recommendations or an exercise table from the professionals at the centre.

The same goes for the muscles of your pelvic floor: to get good results in this workout that you are about to start, you need some simple (but necessary) guidelines.

  Begin by doing a number of repetitions that you feel comfortable with and can maintain the correct technique of the voluntary pelvic floor contraction exercises.

   Contract and elevate your pelvic floor muscles, focusing your attention on the urethra and anus.

   Try to hold that pelvic floor contraction and elevation for 8 seconds, while still breathing normally.

   Relax and feel your muscles descend, returning to the relaxation position from which you started.

   Take a short break before contracting your muscles again for another 8 seconds. It is important to allow the muscles to relax between contractions so that they are more effective.

   Perform 8-12 repetitions in a row (holding each for 8 seconds) to complete what we will call a series of Kegel exercises.

   The initial training of your pelvic floor will consist of performing three sets of Kegel daily. That is the goal, are you ready?

Effective male training with Kegel exercises:
Now that you know how to locate your perineal muscles, how to contract them correctly and how to perform the series of your training program with Kegel exercises, I only have a few recommendations left to make the results as satisfactory as possible.

   Remember that Kegel exercises have a lot to do with muscle-strengthening exercises in gym training programs (sets, rest between sets, the importance of correct technique, etc.). Use your common sense and remember the basic training principles when strengthening your pelvic floor.

   Do not forget that in this of the Kegels, the quality of the contractions is better than the quantity of the same. Come on ... "better little but good, than much but bad." It is useless if you do 30 repetitions if at the fourth contraction you are pulling your glutes or adductors. Start doing what you can but well done, little by little you will increase your capacity and you will be able to perform more repetitions without losing correction in the technique.

   Activate your core! For Kegel exercises to be really effective, it is very important that you know what the core is and how to get it to work in a coordinated way with your pelvic floor. In this article, we explain how to activate the core correctly when exercising your perineum.

   When you start your training program it may be easier for you to contract your muscles while lying down, because it reduces the effect of gravity on your pelvic floor. As you progress, you should change to other positions, such as sitting and standing, trying to achieve the same degree of control and strength that you achieved while lying down.

   Do not be overwhelmed if at first, you are not able to maintain the contraction over time when performing Kegel exercises. You are not the only one. There is only one trick for this: Constancy and patience! Everything is a matter of practice.

   If during Kegel exercises you feel that your muscles are fatigued, stop immediately. Rest, recover and, only then, resume the exercises. When the muscles are loaded or tired, it is useless to force the machine. In fact, this attitude can be detrimental.

   The intensity with which you contract your muscles should also progressively increase. That muscle contraction has to get stronger over time, as your muscles get stronger and stronger.

   Always contact your pelvic floor before performing any action that involves an increase in abdominal pressure, such as coughing, sneezing or carrying weights.

If you are not sure you are performing the exercises correctly, or you simply do not notice any hint of improvement in your symptoms after three months of doing this Kegel exercise training program, visit your doctor or pelvic floor specialist.


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