What is a Best Medicine for Arthritis Pain?

What is a Best Medicine for Arthritis Pain? Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease, the cause of which seems to be traced to an alteration of the immune system, generally designated for the body's defence, which triggers an abnormal response and develops an inflammatory reaction. This inflammatory process intervenes electively in the joints: patients with arthritis complain of joint pain accompanied, especially in the morning, by swelling, stiffness and difficulty moving. Characteristically, the disease affects the joints symmetrically, that is, it affects the same joint tissues in equal measure (tendons, muscles) on both sides of the body Causes Arthritis is a systemic disease of autoimmune origin, the causes of which are not yet fully understood, but several factors that may contribute to its appearance have been identified. It is known that the pathogenesis is related to an alteration of the immune system: in genetically predisposed subjects, a triggering event would be r...