
Showing posts from April, 2021

What is a Best Medicine for Arthritis Pain?

  What is a Best Medicine for Arthritis Pain? Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease, the cause of which seems to be traced to an alteration of the immune system, generally designated for the body's defence, which triggers an abnormal response and develops an inflammatory reaction. This inflammatory process intervenes electively in the joints: patients with arthritis complain of joint pain accompanied, especially in the morning, by swelling, stiffness and difficulty moving. Characteristically, the disease affects the joints symmetrically, that is, it affects the same joint tissues in equal measure (tendons, muscles) on both sides of the body Causes Arthritis is a systemic disease of autoimmune origin, the causes of which are not yet fully understood, but several factors that may contribute to its appearance have been identified. It is known that the pathogenesis is related to an alteration of the immune system: in genetically predisposed subjects, a triggering event would be r...

Weight Loss and Appetite Changes

  Weight Loss and Appetite Changes What is loss of appetite? Lack of appetite can depend on many elements and can occur suddenly at any age. To detect the reasons for the loss of appetite, it is important to look closely at every detail, change in habits and behaviour of the affected person. This will help your doctor to recognize the causes and find the best remedies against loss of appetite. If lately, you feel a lack of appetite, the causes could be traced back to: Diseases and infections. Lack of appetite, fatigue, joint pain is the most frequent symptoms of this season's ailments: flu and colds. Infections caused by viruses and bacteria can also have a loss of appetite and fatigue as a side effect. Although these are seasonal diseases and the decrease in appetite is temporary, it is advisable to consult a specialist. In these cases, lack of appetite is usually a temporary problem and no particular remedies are needed, but rest and eventual drugs prescribed by the doctor. Physi...

Reflux on an Empty Stomach

  Reflux on an Empty Stomach What is acid reflux? Acid reflux, as its name implies, is the return of normal flow from the mouth to the stomach or into the upper part of the digestive system. Since the contents of the stomach are acidic, it is called acid reflux. The medical name is gastroesophageal reflux since it is the passage of stomach content into the oesophagus, where there should be no acidic liquids and therefore, this condition generates much discomfort, burning sensation, pain and even other more serious consequences if the reflux persists over time and is not controlled. Even though the most frequent symptom is heartburn, it may not be present and manifest with other signs such as respiratory problems, cough or difficulty swallowing, given the irritation of the oesophagus and upper part of the digestive tract that it shares with the respiratory tract in our Body. Why is it produced? The oesophagus is the portion of our digestive system that connects the pharynx (a short...

The Low Testosterone Nightmare Fatigue and Erection Problems

  The Low Testosterone Nightmare Fatigue and Erection Problems Although testosterone is a hormone that is present in both men and women, the truth is that this hormone is the one that defines the most typically masculine characteristics such as body and facial hair, the severity of the voice, the muscles, or sexual function. All men need to have a good level of testosterone to have a healthy life from a physical, sexual and mental point of view. But the truth is that the level of testosterone decreases with age. Although this decrease is gradual, it affects each man in a way, decreasing its production at different rates. And although this decrease may be natural and harmless, it may also be responsible for certain ailments and diseases that must be treated from the source: hypogonadism. Low testosterone levels and low testosterone by age can cause erectile dysfunction, resulting in the repeated inability to maintain or achieve an erection firm enough to be able to perform intercour...

The Difference Between Heart Attack Symptoms in Men and Women

The Difference Between Heart Attack Symptoms in Men and Women In cases of heart attacks, men and women cannot have the same symptoms. Women typically experience pain or pressure in the shoulders, arms, jaw, and upper back, as well as stomach pain, dizziness, and nausea accompanied by paleness and palpitations. While in men these symptoms are mostly reduced to chest pain accompanied by cold sweat and anxiety, presenting difficulties in breathing. Usually, the signs most associated with cardiac arrest (which occurs when the flow of oxygen-laden blood to the heart is obstructed) are those experienced by men. These, on a daily basis, are usually chest pain (which can be severe or mild and usually lasts for 20 minutes), anxiety, and shortness of breath. In principle, anyone knows that if you suffer from any of these symptoms, it is better to call the hospital. However, the same does not happen in women, who usually do not realize that they are having a heart attack because their symptoms ar...

How do Haemorrhoids Creams Work?

How do Haemorrhoids Creams Work? Before talking about the remedies, let's start by knowing what we want to remedy. Many people think that haemorrhoids are some kind of aliens that arise from the dark side. Something like a mushroom that sprouts in the shade. Nothing of that. Actually, haemorrhoids occur from a widening of the veins in the anus (external haemorrhoids, which are the ones that can be touched), or in the rectum (internal haemorrhoids, which are the invisible ones). When internal haemorrhoids grow beyond their means, they can end up sticking their heads out to say hello. Well, haemorrhoids come out mainly because a lot of pressure is exerted on the veins of the anus and rectum. Between us, because it is too tight, which is very common when there is constipation. The rubbing does not make the affection, at least in faecal matter, and the continuous friction ends up producing inflammation. It is worth seeing the first minute of the video that I leave you below. Although t...

Am I Allergic to Alcohol

  Am I Allergic to Alcohol It is common for us to hear about allergies to dust, chocolate or shellfish, but to alcohol? Yes, we tell you that you yourself may be allergic and have mistaken a simple redness for an allergy that requires treatment. Redness If your face and neck turn red and shiny, you should be concerned. If this happens to you every time you drink alcohol, it means that your body is not prepared to process it, since you metabolize acetaldehyde, but you lack the ALDH2 enzyme, which is what transforms the most toxic acetaldehydes into harmless substances to be expelled from the system. How do I know when I am intolerant to alcohol or when I am allergic? The difference lies in the dizziness and the discomfort in the body. If you only blush when you consume alcohol, but feel no physical discomfort, it means that you are just intolerant. Urticaria If spots or hives appear on your skin when consuming alcohol, it means that you are facing anaphylaxis, a serious allergi...

Does High Blood Sugar cause High Cholesterol?

  Does High Blood Sugar cause High Cholesterol? We continue to deal with the link between cholesterol and diabetes, which in In the case of taking diabetes medications, it would be better not to fast before having blood tests to measure cholesterol levels. This is not a problem related to the relationship between cholesterol and blood glucose, but to the fact that the latter could fall dangerously low. When we hear about blood sugar, we immediately think of diabetes. However, a thought should also go to hypercholesterolemia. There is a link between cholesterol and type 2 diabetes that leads to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In fact, if not treated correctly, diabetes causes damage to the vascular walls, which, due to the high glycemic index, leads to a loss of elasticity of the vessel walls. The presence of both pathologies can cause very serious damage, up to calcification of the arteries. LDL and HDL When we talk about cholesterol, the classification in: â—Ź  ...

Can Chocolate Really Cause an Acne Breakout

Can Chocolate Really Cause an Acne Breakout It is the eternal question among young people (and not so young): is it true that I can get acne problems from eating chocolate? It is the most common question we all ask ourselves when we think about the consequences for our health and, above all, our skin when putting an ounce of cocoa in our mouths. The popular advice is known all over the world that if you have acne, you should not eat chocolate. Knowing whether eating chocolate increases acne has been the subject of study for many years. There are various theories as to whether cocoa produces pimples. As the saying goes: a second of pleasure, a lifetime on the hip. We are not going to be so exaggerated in this case ... but we are going to answer whether it is true that grains come out from eating chocolate. To begin with, we start from the basis that in recent decades it has been shown that this food has many advantages: it protects the heart and reduces the risk of arrhythmias and also ...

Asthma at Night Nocturnal Asthma and Sleep Disturbances

Asthma at Night Nocturnal Asthma and Sleep Disturbances Tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing - are symptoms that nocturnal asthma sufferers know all too well. It is a condition that cannot be underestimated at all and that greatly affects the quality of life. So it is useless to deny it: controlling asthma symptoms, when they occur at night, is much more difficult. But why do asthma attacks occur at night? Here are some reasons. The chances of experiencing asthma symptoms are greatest during the night hours. The causes can be many and the exact reason is not yet fully known. However, there are some valid explanations such as: â—Ź     Increased mucus or sinusitis - During sleep, the airways tend to narrow, causing increased resistance to airflow - this could trigger an annoying nighttime cough, resulting in tightening of the airways. Infine, for this same reason, those who suffer from sinusitis are more exposed to the risk of suffering asthma...

Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction, Are they related?

  Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction, Are they related?  It is not an easy disease to diagnose since in most cases it is an occasional problem. It is said that there is premature ejaculation when the man ejaculates between one or two minutes after penetration, which happens persistently (The average for most men is considered between four and seven minutes) There are several reasons that can cause a man to ejaculate so soon. In those cases where the problem is present from an early age, known as Primary Premature Ejaculation, masturbation habits may have trained the person to ejaculate quickly. Secondary premature ejaculation is one where the symptoms begin after having had a normal ejaculation forever and may be due to states of nervousness or anxiety, as in the cases in which you begin to have relationships with a new partner. While it is necessary to have an erection for penetration to occur, it is a fairly common misconception that you need to be erect to ejacu...

Postponing your Period.How does it Work?

  Postponing your Period.How does it Work? Why does menstruation always coincide inopportune with the best moments or the most important events? The good news is that you can do something to delay your period, thanks to hormonal birth control. The menstrual cycle is a natural process of our body, but, we are not going to fool ourselves, surely more than once you have wished to be able to choose the exact day on which you want your period to come down. There are certain moments when it is a real nuisance to be with menstruation, to endure the typical ovarian pain and to have to carry around with a bag full of pads and tampons (although the latter can be saved if you use the menstrual cup) ... Anyway, for one reason or another, sometimes we would like the period to take a little longer to make its stellar appearance, right? Menstruation consists of the elimination of part of the endometrium, which is the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus. With the first day of the month in w...

Living with Chronic Migraines. Best Medications for Managing Migraine.

Living with Chronic Migraines. Migraine is not a bad headache; it is one of the twenty most disabling diseases. In fact, it is the leading cause of disability in people under 50 years of age and suffered by more than five million Spaniards (80% women). Not for nothing is it the most prevalent neurological disease in our country. The impact of a migraine attack is only known by those who suffer from it, and it is often experienced with incomprehension because in the work and family environment it is common to hear “you are already with your headache”. And no, it is not just a headache. It is a localized throbbing pain - usually on one side of the skull - and is accompanied by other symptoms ranging from nausea and vomiting to flashes or partial loss of vision, paralysis of one hand, problems articulating language… There is also not just one type of migraine. According to its symptoms, neurologists distinguish between migraine without aura or with aura, which is one that is accompanied b...

Is Levitra Suitable for men With High Cholesterol?

Is Levitra Suitable for men With High Cholesterol? The Levitra pill is especially effective in men over 50 and in those with other health problems such as diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure. For this reason, they are advised to use Levitra instead of Viagra or Cialis. How does this work? Levitra 20mg contains Vardenafil (it also contains peppermint flavour, magnesium stearate, mannitol (E421), aspartame (E951), sorbitol (E420), crospovidone and colloidal hydrated silica). When excited, certain substances provide the dilation of the blood vessel. The enzyme phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibits the flow of blood to the penis, but Vardenafil inhibits the action of this enzyme so blood reaches the penis and an erection is achieved. By using Levitra you can have sex without problems. The recommended dose of Levitra is 10 mg, taken for approximately 25 to 60 minutes before sexual activity. The orodispersible tablets should be taken without liquids. The dose of coated tablets ...

How to Lose Weight During Menopause?

  How to Lose Weight During Menopause? Exercise regularly, get proper rest and eat a healthy and balanced diet. We all know the basic premises to keep the kilos at bay and take care of our body and health in general. However, certain stages of our life and biological changes force us to introduce certain changes. This is the case of menopause when a woman's body experiences a series of hormonal changes that can lead to weight gain. Fortunately, losing weight from then on is also possible. Today we collect some tips to achieve it successfully. How menopausal changes affects your weight As we mentioned, certain alterations take place during menopause that can affect weight. The slowing of metabolism and the progressive loss of the ovaries of their ability to produce the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle (estrogen and progesterone) are some of the most important. In fact, the decrease in the former is believed to affect neuropeptides, related to appetite control. Increasing g...