How to Lose Weight During Menopause?


Picture of Old Women losing Weight
How to Lose Weight During Menopause?

Exercise regularly, get proper rest and eat a healthy and balanced diet. We all know the basic premises to keep the kilos at bay and take care of our body and health in general. However, certain stages of our life and biological changes force us to introduce certain changes.

This is the case of menopause when a woman's body experiences a series of hormonal changes that can lead to weight gain. Fortunately, losing weight from then on is also possible. Today we collect some tips to achieve it successfully.

How menopausal changes affects your weight
As we mentioned, certain alterations take place during menopause that can affect weight. The slowing of metabolism and the progressive loss of the ovaries of their ability to produce the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle (estrogen and progesterone) are some of the most important.

In fact, the decrease in the former is believed to affect neuropeptides, related to appetite control. Increasing galanin and decreasing cholecystokinin have the same effect. At this stage, leptin - produced by adipose tissue - could be tricking the brain about the amount of fat in the body.

Progesterone levels are also depleted at menopause, something that also affects fluid retention and weight gain. The alterations that occur in those of androgens and testosterone are others that affect negatively.

The first thing to mention is that it is not advisable to carry out a diet that is too strict or that radically modifies our eating habits, complicates our social life or the like. In addition, we must introduce it gradually if we do not want to suffer anxiety or other problems associated with this type of change. On the other hand, so-called crash regimens end up causing the dreaded rebound effect and slowing down the metabolism.

To begin with, for example, we can gradually remove saturated fats to a minimum, salt, caffeine and alcohol (they increase fluid retention). Reducing the amounts and increasing the number of intakes is another essential. Likewise, we will try to increase the presence of those diuretic foods such as pineapple, watermelon and infusions such as horsetail. Those rich in fibre will also give us a boost.

Apart from what has been said, you should know that the drop in hormones also causes decalcification in the bones and osteoporosis, the reason why we will have to increase the intake of calcium and vitamins such as D to help you fix it.

Why it is important to control weight
As we age, the risk of suffering from diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis and the like also increases; some pathologies are aggravated with weight gain. This can also lead to diabetes, cardiovascular problems, endocrine diseases and a long etcetera. A perfect HRT treatment is to get Estradot Patches and Femoston Online in the UK with your favourite online pharmacy.


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