Reflux on an Empty Stomach


Reflux on an Empty Stomach
Reflux on an Empty Stomach

What is acid reflux?
Acid reflux, as its name implies, is the return of normal flow from the mouth to the stomach or into the upper part of the digestive system. Since the contents of the stomach are acidic, it is called acid reflux.

The medical name is gastroesophageal reflux since it is the passage of stomach content into the oesophagus, where there should be no acidic liquids and therefore, this condition generates much discomfort, burning sensation, pain and even other more serious consequences if the reflux persists over time and is not controlled.

Even though the most frequent symptom is heartburn, it may not be present and manifest with other signs such as respiratory problems, cough or difficulty swallowing, given the irritation of the oesophagus and upper part of the digestive tract that it shares with the respiratory tract in our Body.

Why is it produced?
The oesophagus is the portion of our digestive system that connects the pharynx (a short passage after the mouth) with the stomach. This tube has a sphincter or muscle that opens and closes before the passage of food both at its beginning and at its end in contact with the stomach. Reflux and nausea can occur when your stomach is too empty, so try to eat smaller and more frequent meals.

Pain on an empty stomach can also be caused If you feel pain in the area of ​​the mouth of the stomach and there is some improvement when eating, it worsens again after a certain time, it is possible that it is a duodenal or stomach ulcer ("wound" located in the mucosa) instead of gastritis.

Likewise, gastroduodenal ulcer shares its most common cause with gastritis: Helicobacter pylori infection.

When this last muscle or sphincter does not close well, either because the muscle is not developed correctly (especially in babies and children) or when it is herniated, the stomach content does not remain there but easily returns to the oesophagus taking juices with it Very acidic gastric diseases that irritate the upper part of the digestive system, which can cause severe consequences as well as a very annoying and painful sensation.

Although many times medicines are used and in extreme cases to surgeries of the muscle that does not work properly and allows the return of flow from the stomach to the oesophagus, reality and experience indicate that many other measures that we can apply at home are very useful.

Since my baby was born he has had reflux and in them as in adults, postural, hygienic-sanitary measures and also a good diet are key to prevent the return of stomach contents to the oesophagus as well as to alleviate the discomfort that usually causes this sickness. You can buy reflux medication, such as
Lansoprazole Capsules, Esomeprazole Tablets and Omeprazole Losec Capsules Online in the UK with your favourite online pharmacy.


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