Do Eggs Contain High Levels of Cholesterol?


Do Eggs Contain High Levels of Cholesterol?
Do Eggs Contain High Levels of Cholesterol?

Almost everyone loves having eggs for breakfast, but most people refrain from it, considering the high cholesterol in the egg yolk has a bad reputation. While some cholesterol is essential for a healthy body, some cholesterol types and amounts can increase the risk of heart disease.

Egg yolks are high in cholesterol; saturated fatty acids can increase the blood cholesterol level. Eggs are high in nutrients, even so that one cell in the egg can grow into an entire chicken. But people at risk of high cholesterol and diabetes are discouraged from consuming eggs.

Eggs and Diabetes

Studies have shown that diabetic people eating seven eggs a week often develop heart disease. It is due to the saturated fatty acids present in eggs that have an effect on blood cholesterol levels, which increase the risk of heart disease. Another research shows that consuming one or more eggs per day can increase the risk of diabetes by 60%.

Studies showed that people who consumed more eggs were less physically active and had higher serum cholesterol levels. A possible reason for this might be the increased oxidation and inflammation from choline found in egg yolks and carbohydrate consumption from egg white. Buy Simvastatin Online UK if you are concerned about your high cholesterol level.

Eggs And Heart Disease

Bad cholesterol in eggs can increase the risk of heart disease. A study had found that people who consumed more than one egg per day had a 6 percent higher risk of developing heart-related diseases. One large egg contains about 186 mg of cholesterol which can cause cardiovascular diseases in some people.

People with high cholesterol should consult a doctor for the risk of developing cardiac diseases and follow appropriate preventive measures.

Key Takeaway

The confusion around an egg being good or bad is due to the fact egg yolks are high in cholesterol. But the good thing is that egg whites have zero cholesterol and only contain proteins. If you are worried about your cholesterol, then you can consume only egg whites. Moreover, if you already suffer from high cholesterol, then you should buy rosuvastatin tablets online UK under the prescription of your doctor.


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