How Can You Tell the Difference Between Hemorrhoids and Rectal Prolapse?


How Can You Tell the Difference Between Hemorrhoids and Rectal Prolapse?
How Can You Tell the Difference Between Hemorrhoids and Rectal Prolapse?

Many adults complain about discomfort around their anus and something coming out of it. Most of these people are diagnosed with hemorrhoids, which is the most common cause. Although rare, people can develop a condition called rectal prolapse, whose symptoms are similar to hemorrhoids.

Patients complain about anal pain, itching around that area, and bloody stool with both these conditions. With similar symptoms, it can be hard to differentiate the two. In order to receive proper treatment, you need to understand the cause of your condition.


Hemorrhoids develop when the veins beneath the mucous membrane at the lowest part of your anus become swollen and clustered. Several Hemorrhoid medications can help with this condition. Hemorrhoids develop in two forms Internal hemorrhoid and external hemorrhoid. Internal hemorrhoid occurs when the small veins in the walls of the anal grow large. External hemorrhoid occurs when veins beneath the skin of the rectum start clotting.

Rectal Prolapse

Rectal prolapse occurs when the rectum walls slide out of their normal position due to the loosening of their usual attachments inside the body. The symptoms of Rectal Prolapse include constipation, itching, mucous discharge in stool, and bleeding in the rectum. Most doctors prescribe Xyloproct ointment for the itchy feeling.


Hemorrhoids and Rectal prolapse cause similar symptoms as in both of the cases, the rectum tissues begin to protrude out of the anus. However, in Rectal prolapse, the rectal wall protrudes through the anus, which can happen during bowel movements and is common among individuals with weak pelvic muscles.

The symptoms that differ between the two are that in Rectal prolapse, there is often leakage of stool and the bowels feel full all the time. Moreover, the prolapsed tissue takes the form of concentric circles.

Key Takeaway

Both Hemorrhoids and Rectal Prolapse leave an uncomfortable feeling in patients, affecting the quality of life. To treat these conditions, it is essential to understand the root cause of symptoms which can help with the treatment. Several medications can help with the specific symptoms in both conditions. Xyloproct Online UK can help with the itch, and Proctosedyl Ointment Online UK can help with the pain around the anus.


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