Weight Loss vs Fat Loss: What's the Difference?

Weight Loss vs Fat Loss: What's the Difference? When we start a diet what we want is to lose weight. We become fixated on the scale, we weigh ourselves one day or another as well. Desperation comes when the number does not drop as low as we would like. And amid so much frustration we do not finish understanding that what we really must measure is the fact that our body has, reducing it is our true goal. However, if you want to purchase weight loss pills online , like Orlistat capsules , you can at Pharmacy Planet. What is the difference between losing fat and losing weight? Usually, those of us who go on a diet say: "I want to lose weight", and the first thing we do is get on the scale, what we do not consider is that the weight that appears there is made up of muscles, organs, fat, bones. Actually what we are looking for is to lose fat. This means that you want to decrease the amount of fat that is on your body. The difference between the two is that to lose weight you...