
Showing posts from February, 2021

Weight Loss vs Fat Loss: What's the Difference?

  Weight Loss vs Fat Loss: What's the Difference? When we start a diet what we want is to lose weight. We become fixated on the scale, we weigh ourselves one day or another as well. Desperation comes when the number does not drop as low as we would like. And amid so much frustration we do not finish understanding that what we really must measure is the fact that our body has, reducing it is our true goal. However, if you want to purchase weight loss pills online , like Orlistat capsules , you can at Pharmacy Planet. What is the difference between losing fat and losing weight? Usually, those of us who go on a diet say: "I want to lose weight", and the first thing we do is get on the scale, what we do not consider is that the weight that appears there is made up of muscles, organs, fat, bones. Actually what we are looking for is to lose fat. This means that you want to decrease the amount of fat that is on your body. The difference between the two is that to lose weight you...

Top Rated Skin Care Medications for Acne-Prone Skin

Top Rated Skin Care Medications for Acne-Prone Skin   Acne (acne vulgaris) is a disease of the pilosebaceous follicle that especially affects the face; can also affect the neck, back, shoulders and chest. It is characterized by the presence of comedones and inflammatory lesions (papules and pustules); in the most severe cases nodules and cysts that sometimes produce scars. Acne affects more than 80% of adolescents, and it is estimated that up to 30% of cases require medical treatment. From the age of 25 persists in 3% of men and 12% of women, and from the age of 40 still can affect 1% of men and 5% of women. The people that sufferers may experience physical, psychological and social discomfort. The goal of skinoren , differin , rozex gel and cream , which you can buy online in the UK at Pharmacy Planet is to reduce the presence and impact of symptoms, with fewer possible adverse effects. Due to the emotional impact associated with acne, the same symptoms or treatment results can be...

The Best and Worst Foods for Acid Reflux?

  The Best and Worst Foods for Acid Reflux? On many occasions, heartburn (or more graphically, heartburn) comes from a very common and at the same time quite unknown problem: gastroesophageal reflux. Food, after reaching the stomach, flows back up, because the valve that separates the stomach and oesophagus does not close properly. In the case where you do get acid reflux, you can buy Lansoprazole Capsules , EsomeprazoleTablets or Omeprazole Losec Capsules Online in the UK at Pharmacy Planet. Starting off with the worst: Tomatoes The Mediterranean diet is the most recommended by science for a healthy and long life, but it has several problematic components for the heartburn of reflux. Not much has been said about this aspect of tomato, which is a good option to lose weight due to its satiating capacity and its few calories, but it has several acids: citric, oxalic and malic. Pizza, lasagna and other fatty dishes usually have tomato. If you eat small portions and if you cook with ...

Fantastic Foods to beat Allergies

Fantastic Foods to beat Allergies Spring is right around the corner and it’s nearly time when more allergies arise. In fact, about 25 per cent of the world's population suffers from some type of allergy. During spring, the main causes of allergic reactions are due to pollen, moisture fungi, dust mites, food and additives, animal hair, and insects. If in the case where you do suffer an allergic reaction, you can buy the EpiPen Auto-Injector or in milder cases, the Rhinocort Nasal Spray Online in the UK at Pharmacy Planet. To prevent or mitigate the effects of allergy, it is very important to take care of the digestive system because 70 per cent of the immune system resides in it. Food can play a very important role for or against our immune system. If we eat foods that strengthen us, we can help reduce the effects of allergies and intolerances in our body. A diet to combat allergy symptoms. A diet rich in antioxidants and omega-3s may help alleviate spring allergy symptoms. The gr...

Migraine vs Headache: Which is More Painful?

Headache: What’s the cause? Headache pain can be mild to moderate, but constant. It is usually perceived by the patient as pressure or tightness on both sides of the head, on the forehead and/or on the nape, and is generally not accompanied by other symptoms. Pain can also occur when touching the muscles of the scalp, neck, and shoulders. It can appear at any age, but it is more common in older teens and adults. It is slightly more common among women than men. It almost always has its origin in a specific situation of depression, stress or anxiety, and it usually remits by itself once this situation is controlled. Only if the headache changes its pattern, intensifying or becoming chronic or very frequent, you should see a doctor rule out any medical problem that requires more urgent or specific treatment. There are basically two types of tension headaches: â—Ź      Episodic. They usually last 30 minutes to a week. They are frequent episodic when they arise less than ...

How to Treat Bleeding Haemorrhoids?

How to Treat Bleeding Haemorrhoids?   Why do haemorrhoids bleed? As a general rule, haemorrhoids do not usually show any symptoms and usually disappear when the reason that causes them is stopped. However, when there is excess pressure on the veins and tissues of the pelvic and rectal area, they become inflamed and the effort to defecate, or the rubbing of the stool, causing them to open and bleed. Some causes of this excess pressure could be: â—Ź      Advanced pregnancy, when the weight of the fetus puts pressure on the pelvic area. â—Ź      Chronic constipation and diarrhoea. â—Ź      Lifting heavy objects. â—Ź      Sedentary life. â—Ź      Hepatic cirrhosis. â—Ź     Ageing and weakening of tissues. â—Ź     Hereditary factors. â—Ź   The inflammation of external haemorrhoids manifests itself with a lump near the anal opening that causes itching and...

How is Viagra Different to Other ED Medications?

  How is Viagra Different to Other ED Medications? Viagra Viagra for Erectile Dysfunction was the first to address an issue that raises so many sensitivities like this. The pioneer. In 1998 Sildenafil (Viagra) was marketed, which boosted blood flow to the penis and thus facilitated erection. It was the first PDE5i, a 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor, which managed to bring joy back to many men, who until then suffered in silence. Its use has a positive effect on 40-80% of men, depending on whether yours is for biological or psychological causes. It is effective 30-60 minutes after administration. Its effectiveness is reduced after a heavy, high-fat meal due to delayed absorption. Furthermore, its effectiveness can be maintained for up to twelve hours. It also has some minor side effects, like headaches, hot flashes, and gastrointestinal disturbances. Cialis Its effect comes 30 minutes after its administration, reaching maximum effectiveness after two hours. It lasts longer than Viagr...

How Long Does it Take to Get Rid of Thrush?

  How Long Does it Take to Get Rid of Thrush? Reasons you may have thrush (yeast infection). Contrary to what we may think, this infection is not only spread through sexual intercourse. There may be different reasons why we can suffer it, some so surprising that surely you had never imagined them. Wearing too-tight clothing, antibiotics, douching or staying in wet clothing for a long time on the beach or in the pool can lead to the appearance of this type of fungus in the vagina. Believe it or not, stress is also very influential as it can destabilize us in such a way that it opens the door to suffering from this type of infection. Given the symptoms (itching, stinging or abnormal vaginal discharge) the first thing we should do is go to the gynaecologist to confirm or deny if we have Thrush. It is usually done through a culture of the vaginal exudate. If the result is positive, specific treatments are usually prescribed for this pathology. How Long Does it Take to Get Rid of Thrush...

Frequently Asked Questions for HRT Treatment

  Frequently Asked Questions for HRT Treatment To dispel false myths and expand the information about HRT, we answering eight key questions: Can we say that HRT brings more benefits than risks to treat menopause? Yes, it is an excellent remedy to prevent and alleviate the symptoms associated with this stage and improve the quality of life of women. Can it be useful for any woman or are there cases where it is not suitable? Clinical follow-up studies have been conducted in healthy women between the ages of 50 and 79 for more than 10 years, confirming that 90% can benefit from this treatment and that it can also help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and bone fractures in old age. Only 10% do not respond well or are cases in which it is not indicated. Why then is it not consistently recommended? Because menopause presents and manifests itself differently in each woman, and each case must be studied and well-known about the clinical history, family history and personal circumstances of ...

Erectile Dysfunction and Low Testosterone: What is the Cause?

  Erectile Dysfunction and Low Testosterone What is it? Erectile dysfunction, also known as male sexual impotence, is the persistent inability to get or maintain an erection that allows for satisfactory sexual intercourse. It must be differentiated from other sexual problems, such as lack of desire, ejaculation disorders (premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation and absence of ejaculation) or orgasm disorders. It is a common problem that, if left untreated, can affect relationships with the partner, the family, and the work and social environment. In order to combat this, you can buy Levitra Tablets or Sildenafil tablets online in the UK at Pharmacy Planet. Causes of ED. Psychological causes Erectile Dysfunction and Low Testosterone In these cases, the penis does not present any physical alteration, however, diseases such as anxiety (often caused by the fear of not getting an erection or of disappointing the woman), depression, problems with a partner and even stress they can a...

How to Avoid Erectile Dysfunction?

  How to Avoid Erectile Dysfunction? The prevention of erectile dysfunction is aimed at avoiding, as far as possible, the risk factors that contribute to its appearance. As we have seen, although the chances of suffering from erectile dysfunction increase with age, this disorder, which directly affects your quality of life, is not an inevitable consequence of ageing. However, there are a series of illnesses and harmful habits, such as smoking and alcoholism, that predispose to the appearance of this problem. Therefore, the development of erectile dysfunction can be prevented by adopting healthy lifestyle habits from youth, or by modifying those that are incorrect. In addition to the measures below, you can also purchase Cialis Tablets , an Erectile Dysfunctional Medication Online in the UK at pharmacy planet. Some other measures that can be taken are: Give up smoking Numerous studies have linked erectile dysfunction to smoking. Tobacco hinders blood circulation, so the penis recei...

Cold vs Flu: How to Tell the Difference

  Cold vs Flu: How to Tell the Difference With the cold and the weather changes, respiratory diseases appear. The arrival of winter contributes to the proliferation of these diseases since the cold causes a decrease in the defensive capacity of the mucous membranes of the upper airways. And because they arrive at the same time of year and have some common symptoms, the flu and the common cold are often confused. However, both conditions are different in intensity and risk of complications, so it is important to know how to differentiate them. You can purchase Tamiflu Capsules or Relenza online in the UK at Pharmacy Planet. Next, we explain the characteristics of these two respiratory diseases and how to prevent them. Differences and similarities between flu and cold Both are caused by viruses, but they are of a different type. The origin of the flu is the “Influenza”, mainly of the H1N1 type, although it has the peculiarity of modifying from time to time, which causes its symptom...

5 Foods that help maintain a regular menstrual cycle

5 Foods that help maintain a regular menstrual cycle Most women have some type of irregularity in their period at any time in their life. However, the good news is that in most cases, simple foods can help regulate the menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle An irregular cycle does not usually indicate a serious health problem. However, it is a rather uncomfortable and distressing situation. Especially since it can manifest itself with excessive bleeding. Some research shows the influence of its regularity in daily life, such as the case of this study, which explains, through its descriptive analyzes, that even our period would influence that we could suffer from depression, especially in adolescence. The first disorders usually occur when menstruation is early or late a little more than a week. However, it may also take more days. It depends on several factors, such as hormonal, hereditary and nutritional. Next, we are going to share the 5 best foods that help maintain a regular menstrua...

Are Asthma and Anxiety related?

  Are Asthma and Anxiety related? The relationship between asthma and the mind has been talked about for a long time. This is because, in everyday life, it is very easy to notice that association. Most obvious is the link between a state of nervousness and an asthma attack. However, it is not very clear what science has found in this regard. Regardless of the relation, you will need an inhaler, and you can buy the  Clenil Inhaler , the Spiriva Inhaler or the  Symbicort inhaler online  at Pharmacy Planet. Asthma has been linked to psychological factors for many years. In the treatise on Asthma by Moses Maimonides (an important physician and philosopher in medieval thought) this disease is defined as "difficulty in breathing or pain in the chest" suggesting changes in behaviour as one of the measures to cure it. The scientific literature describes a higher frequency of presentation of emotional disorders in people with asthma, with special emphasis on those with depres...

Diabetes: Type 1 Vs Type 2

  Diabetes: Type 1 Vs Type 2 Diabetes is a disease in which persistently or chronically elevated blood glucose levels occur. There are two main types of diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (DM1) and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM2) . These two types of diabetes differ in the causes that provoke them, the symptoms, the characteristics, the treatment, and the age of the people it affects. We are going to review what its main characteristics are and what distinguishes one from the other. Type 1 diabetes (DM1) Although type 1 diabetes can develop in adults, it is characterized by having a higher incidence among young people and children. In this type of diabetes, the patient's own immune system destroys the beta cells of the pancreas, resulting in a total insulin deficiency. Insulin is the hormone that allows glucose from food to pass into the body's cells. Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented, and its underlying causes are not known. It is characterized by being chronic since once it ...