The Best and Worst Foods for Acid Reflux?


Picture of Good and bad food for Acid Reflux
The Best and Worst Foods for Acid Reflux?

On many occasions, heartburn (or more graphically, heartburn) comes from a very common and at the same time quite unknown problem: gastroesophageal reflux. Food, after reaching the stomach, flows back up, because the valve that separates the stomach and oesophagus does not close properly. In the case where you do get acid reflux, you can buy Lansoprazole Capsules, EsomeprazoleTablets or Omeprazole Losec Capsules Online in the UK at Pharmacy Planet.

Starting off with the worst:

The Mediterranean diet is the most recommended by science for a healthy and long life, but it has several problematic components for the heartburn of reflux. Not much has been said about this aspect of tomato, which is a good option to lose weight due to its satiating capacity and its few calories, but it has several acids: citric, oxalic and malic. Pizza, lasagna and other fatty dishes usually have tomato. If you eat small portions and if you cook with a moderate amount of tomato, much better.

Citrus and canned soups
Although the vitamins (especially A, B1, B2 and C), the minerals (potassium, copper, sulfur ...) and the citric acid they contain are necessary for our body, if you have burning problems you should limit consumption, both of fruits as of their juices. Did you know that soups and canned vegetables are also often acidic? It happens to a greater extent when they are preserved in vinegar (another classic of the Mediterranean diet) or fermented. On the label, check to see if they have citric or ascorbic acid, it is a clue that indicates it.

Onion and garlic
Perhaps you have already realized that gazpacho is getting very complicated ... Garlic and onion are indigestible and can cause swelling and pressure on the valve of the oesophagus. Do not be alarmed because well cooked (instead of raw) its acidic effects on the stomach are mitigated. Other tasty seasonings to watch out for are soy sauce, mayonnaise, and mustard.

Peppermint and peppermint tea
The infusions are taken as a digestive, often trying to compensate (too late!) For a considerable binge. The thing is, mint, as tasty as it may be, is not the best for burning. Even in gum or candy, although it refreshes the palate, it increases acid production. Also avoid carbonated sodas, especially cola.

And now to the best foods for acid reflux.

Fish and lean meats
In the case of reflux, you can consume white fish without problems, especially because they are low in fat. When it comes to meat, the best options are lean ones like turkey and chicken. As for the preparation, the most advisable way is steamed, baked or grilled, avoiding fried foods or sauces as much as possible.

You can eat all kinds of vegetables avoiding peppers and tomatoes, which can be harmful due to their high acidity. You also need to avoid vegetables that are fried or made with too much oil.

This type of food is of great help to calm the appetite, especially in the middle of the morning or for a snack. Of course, it is not advisable to eat citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits and others such as strawberries or kiwis. Those that lack acidity are pears, apples, melon, watermelon or apricot.

Milk and dairy
Dairy products are also a good option against reflux, especially avoiding whole or fatty ones, which the only thing they can motivate us to make the situation worse. For example, a good option may be skimmed yoghurts and light cheeses. For its part, excessively strong cheeses and cream do not fit into our plans.



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