Weight Loss vs Fat Loss: What's the Difference?
Weight Loss vs Fat Loss: What's the Difference?
When we start a
diet what we want is to lose weight. We become fixated on the scale, we weigh
ourselves one day or another as well. Desperation comes when the number does
not drop as low as we would like. And amid so much frustration we do not finish
understanding that what we really must measure is the fact that our body has,
reducing it is our true goal. However, if you want to purchase weight loss pills online, like Orlistat capsules, you can at Pharmacy Planet.
What is the difference between losing fat and losing
Usually, those of
us who go on a diet say: "I want to lose weight", and the first thing
we do is get on the scale, what we do not consider is that the weight that
appears there is made up of muscles, organs, fat, bones. Actually what we are
looking for is to lose fat. This means that you want to decrease the amount of
fat that is on your body. The difference between the two is that to lose weight
you simply have to restrict your calorie intake, while to lose fat you have to
control your hormones.
If what you are
looking for is to be fit and defined, do not set a certain weight as a goal,
because weight is relative. Better direct all those energies to achieve a
low-fat percentage, a good percentage for women is 15% to 17%.
Sports experts
explain that when you are training with weights you are increasing your muscle
mass and therefore reducing fat, so the scale does not fluctuate much. Weight
is not reliable, during the day that number varies by what you eat, if you have
gone to the bathroom or not, amount of water you have drunk, if you have
retained liquid, etc.
Two people can
weigh and measure the same and look totally different, the key is in the
percentage of fat of both. Things that affect weight and deceive you: water and
carbohydrates. Each gram of carbohydrate retains four grams of water, when you
eliminate carbohydrates you lose water, so when you eat a pure protein, zero
carbohydrate diet you lose a lot of weight. Weight training tricks the scale,
you gain muscle mass, your metabolism speeds up, you burn more calories and you
lose fat, the number doesn't change, but your measurements do.
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