Fact vs Myth about Weight loss Stuff


Fact vs Myth about Weight loss Stuff
Fact vs Myth about Weight loss Stuff

People with overweight and obesity often encounter several myths and facts that people claim to be true. However, sometimes these myths confuse them and mislead them to try out treatments that involve several risks.

So today, we are here to clear the air of misconceptions about weight loss and obesity.

Weight Loss Myths

1.  Fat makes you fat
As fat includes more calories it does not mean that fat solely makes you fat. That’s because fat can result in obesity if taken with excessive carbs and fatty food.

However, a balanced diet with fats does not make you fat. For example, keto is a diet including fat intake and is preferable for those losing weight and maintaining their weight.

2.  Obesity is about willpower.
When they say that obesity is related to your willpower, it’s a misconception! Obesity does not always occur from mismanaged lifestyles or poor routines; it mainly comes from biological disorders—for example, high cholesterol, PCOs, eating disorders, and depression.

3.  All calories are equal.
Even though all calories possess the same energy mass, that does not mean that all food calories are equal and effect in a similar way. That’s because how various calories react to your body depends on your metabolism and hormones.

So, in losing weight, you can replace calories gained from fatty foods with protein for energy.

Weight Loss Facts

1.  Hydrating yourself will help you lose bad fat.
Water is a calorie less substance, and you can substitute it for various unhealthy drinks that could trigger the extra fat inside your body. For example, drinking soda can gain you extra calories, and drinking water instead can help you maintain your weight with several other health benefits.

2. Alcohol stimulates weight gain.
Alcohol contains high calories as only a single bottle of beer has more or less 140 calories. In this regard, avoid drinking excessive alcohol to maintain your weight and health.

3.  Fibre contributes to weight loss.in
Consuming fibre foods helps you to gain more nutrition instead of calories. That’s why it's preferable for you to include greens and fruits in your daily intake for weight loss. For More Visit https://www.pharmacyplanet.com/


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