Can asthma cause emphysema? What are the Risks?


Can asthma cause Emphysema? What are the Risks?
Can asthma cause emphysema? What are the Risks?

Patients with asthma face several complications due to their congested oxygen sacs, such as Emphysema. That’s because asthma makes your respiratory system vulnerable, and it is susceptible to any hazardous substances entering it. In this regard, there are various risks associated with asthma causing emphysema.

So, let’s pen them down for you.

What is Emphysema?

Emphysema is a chronic respiratory disease that can develop gradually through mild respiratory disorders. In emphysema, the lungs’ alveoli are destroyed with lung tissue damage. This condition does not let the oxygen pass through the blood vessel and creates a big bag of air in the lungs resulting in the blockage of breathing.

How can Asthma Cause Emphysema?

Asthma is a respiratory condition that can also become a stimulating factor for encouraging emphysema to occur. That’s because asthma is a prevalent disease, and people most probably develop this disease early in their lives. The causes of asthma are not precisely known, but it is more likely to be transmitted through genes or caused by allergens.

However, once you are diagnosed with asthma, it does not cure with treatments but can only be controlled through inhalers. In this regard, patients who have developed asthma early in their lives may experience emphysema later in their lives since the inflamed bronchi and oxygen sacs can deteriorate over time leading to lung tissue damages.  Additionally, acute asthma attacks caused by excessive smoking can also trigger emphysema.


Emphysema is an acute respiratory disease that can associate several health risks. For example, asthma-caused emphysema can induce symptoms of lung damage,
pneumothorax, cardiac failures, bullae (holes in lungs). These diseases are life-threatening and can incur in case of avoiding treatments.


If you have developed asthma early in life, there are certain things to avoid not to cause emphysema. That’s because the primary cause of emphysema is that patients with asthma do not maintain their lifestyle by taking precautions for preventing acute prolonged asthma such as smoking. Moreover, avoiding proper medication for asthma can also deteriorate the situation. However, you can buy Clenil, Spiriva, and Symbicort inhalers online in the Uk to control your asthma.


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